Food and Diabetes (What You Need to Know)

Its Monday 10 AM, I’m drinking black coffee, no cream, no sugar, no bullshit…

This is the way I drink coffee every single day. 

Hot or iced, same way. Plain, painless black coffee. 

I can actually taste the flavor of the coffee.

Not like that one time I walked into a Dunkin Donuts and the person in front of me ordered a coffee with 6 splendas. 6 ? Splendas ?

America runs on Dunkins or sugar ? I don't care if it's splenda… 

I drink my coffee without sugar and it tastes so f*ckn good…

Yes, you should have seen the look on my face. 

How can you start your day like that ? 

Any coffee lovers reading this? Cheers…

Why am I saying this? Well, you will find out…

“Eat whatever you want" and “just inject insulin”…

I was diagnosed 10 years ago and since the beginning of this journey I knew that one of the most important factors to have in range blood glucose levels is what you put in your mouth, food. 

Do you agree with me ?

I never fell into the “eat whatever you want" and “just inject insulin” approach.

If that's you; with all due respect; you can stop reading now.

You are welcome to unsubscribe right now. 

I didn't start this newsletter to sell you something.

I did start this newsletter for a purpose so I can be part of something larger than myself. (Help other diabetics)

I will not betray my values or my philosophy when it comes to diabetes management.

Going back to the “eat whatever you want, just inject insulin” approach.

Something has to be wrong with that approach.

But your doctor or many people online may tell you; yeah, just inject insulin and eat whatever you want, live life, life is short; enjoy the cake, eat the candy. Lol.

Well, the more insulin you use; more money for the companies that make the insulin; no?

You see, a lot of people especially in the USA complain about insulin being so expensive and the whole health care system and the whole complaining about insulin prices, supplies etc…

Do you have a say on insulin prices? No

Can you call Mr Insulin producer and ask him to lower insulin prices? No

Can you make better food choices and choose what to eat? Yes. 100%

I know this because for the past 4 years I've been reading the comments from people online who complain and rant about uncontrolled blood sugar levels and insulin prices.

These same people are drinking a regular coke, ordering a caramel frappuccino and eating cake or junk foods and then complaining about their blood sugar levels ?

What are you complaining about mate ? 

Oh but here's the insulin, just inject insulin and eat whatever you want…

No, that doesn't work, at least not for me; it doesn't.

Let me tell you why.

7 years without health insurance…

I didn't have health insurance for the first 7 years after I was diagnosed.

What option did I have ?

Eat healthy foods most of the time, eat low carb meals and lift weights 5-6 days per week. 

Oh and I was prescribed a pill. That's it. A pill. Don't remember the name right now.

This approach has let me keep an A1C of 6 and lower for the past 10 years.

Easy ? mmm I don't know. 

That requires a lot of discipline. 

I did this for 7 years and I still do it.

For the past 3 years I've had health insurance and I’ve been using insulin pens (MDI); but my approach when it comes to food and exercise is the same. 

It has not changed at all.

You know why ?

Because you will not see me posting comments online ranting about going to the chinese buffet and then my sugars going up to 400 and dealing with uncontrolled blood sugars and then complaining about the super expensive insulin prices.

And then ranting about how hard this disease is and crying and wanting to feel justified to eat shit and then blame diabetes. Oh this is so hard…

Yea, it is hard. No one said this was easy… 

I'm not saying you cannot eat carbs and you need to stop eating cake or ice cream. 


Just use common sense and stop using insulin as a free card to eat whatever shitty foods and then feel like shit for eating those foods.

What foods should you eat ?

Here's a whole blog post for free on what I eat:

I had to learn this the hard way…

-Did I eat at the Chinese buffet? Yes

-Was it harder for me to control my blood sugar levels? Yes

-Did I try the sushi place and deal with the high blood sugars? Yes

-Are these foods bad for you? No, they are not. In moderation. They just require more precision, timing and experience when it comes to using insulin for those types of food.

-Have I tried the salad and steak meal option and had better and in range glucose levels? Yes

-Do I eat burgers? Yes 

-Do I eat pizza? Yes 

-Have I experimented with different foods and eating approaches in order to know what's best for my blood sugars ? Yes

-Have I felt lethargic and tired after eating the wrong/junk foods with my blood sugars super high ? Yes

-Have I felt amazing with blood sugars in range when I eat the right healthy whole foods ? Yes

I'm human and when it comes to eating foods I'm aware of the foods that will spike my blood sugar levels and I avoid those. Am I perfect all the time? Of course not.

Nobody likes to deal with high blood sugars or inject too much insulin and deal with low blood sugars. 

At the end of the day, who am I to tell you what to eat or not?

That's up  to you. 

If you can eat whatever foods you want, inject insulin; have in range glucose levels; and not complain about uncontrolled sugar levels… I'm clapping right now.

Good for you…

What do I eat in a day and what works best for me ?

Breakfast: Whole eggs, avocado, cheese

Snack: Low sugar protein greek yogurt 

Lunch: steak or any protein with a salad and brown rice

Snack: Apple

Pre workout: Low sugar whey protein scoop with water

Dinner: Same as lunch, different protein.

Drinks: Water. Black coffee. Thats it.

No juices, No sodas (maybe a coke zero when I eat a burger), no sugary shit. None. Nothing.

Want a full list of snacks ?

Check out this link:

So to close this letter:

-Be careful with the “eat whatever you want and inject insulin” approach.

-Use common sense when it comes to choosing what foods to eat.

-Check the two links I provided in this letter with the foods I eat and a list of snacks.

-Prioritize protein in your meals.

-Choose healthy carbs (Broccoli, Quinoa, Brown rice, Apples, Beans) 

-Avoid the processed unhealthy foods as much as possible.

If you still struggle with your diabetes control or need help, I am going to help you.

We will figure this out; read below:

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL where I explain the basics, mindset tips, insulin treatment, nutrition, weight training and all the tips and tools I use everyday in order to keep blood sugars levels in range.

Whenever you are ready heres the link: THE MANUAL

Take care,


I never fell into the “eat whatever you want” and “just inject insulin” approach.

The Mindset Required to Manage Diabetes


Why You Should Take Care of Your Diabetes (Right Now)