Why You Should Take Care of Your Diabetes (Right Now)
A few days ago I was reading online about someone who stopped taking care of their diabetes for some reason.
That person has been a diabetic for some years already.
That person had to go to the ER because of very high blood sugars.
I know life can get complicated and things can get in the way so I'm not judging or criticizing this person.
I hate hospitals. And I'm guessing you too ?
I think the reason I started these “Letters” is because this is the same advice I would have given myself 10 years ago when I was checked into the hospital with my blood sugar levels in 440 mg/dl.
After that day I have not been in a hospital for the same reason; very high blood sugars.
Lesson: I learned to do the things I need to do in order to avoid that from happening again.
I was 24 years old and I'm going to save the symptoms explanation for later.
You probably already know them… yup thirst, felt like shit; tired all the time, lost weight. Etc
Have you heard that writing is a form of therapy ? Well I guess that's right; it is.
So here I am writing.
Back to the point.
Let me tell you something very important.
If you are reading this and you were diagnosed with diabetes; why should you take care of your diabetes ?
I've seen some people commenting online; posting something like:
Ok, convince me why I should take care of my diabetes?
Lol, wtf ?
You know why? So you can avoid a miserable, painful life. Simple.
Did you know that bad diabetes control and uncontrolled blood sugars will develop complications that will affect absolutely everything in your body. From your eyes to your toes…
People say life is short; no? And the few years I'm going to be around; Am I going to waste them or live them in a miserable way ?
I don't fear death. The only thing I fear is getting old and having regrets.
The things I could have done…
F that…
That's not why I started DIE-A-BEAST.
So, why should you take care of your diabetes?
Well; do you have any other choice ?
The cure? It's been like 50 years and you are still waiting for the cure ?
What's the other choice? Keep living life the same way, and end up in a hospital ? How fun…
Keep checking into hospitals until you die ?
How about you start taking responsibility that this is your life now and your pancreas failed on you ?
Accept it. Deal with it.
With ownership comes freedom.
I'm telling you this because I already went through that.
And not taking care of my diabetes will not benefit anyone.
Not taking care of my diabetes is accepting defeat.
I'm someone who has walked and is still walking in your same shoes until they find “the cure”.
I'm not waiting for that day. Honestly; I'm not.
I'm going to deal with this head on; with the lows and the highs that are definitely what makes this life experience worth living. Enjoy the ride ?
So, why should you take care of your diabetes ?
So you can avoid:
-Health risks and Diabetes related complications.
-Living a life full of fear, sadness and stress due to bad diabetes management and uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
-Early diabetes complications such as nerve damage, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, eye damage, foot damage.
-Living a half-ass life playing the victim game.
-Blaming diabetes for the things you could have accomplished but decided to become a victim.
-Stress and burnout related to poor diabetes management.
The problem is that you don't know how to take care of your diabetes ?
Well I'm going to show you how.
I wrote The Manual and in that manual I explain how to take care of your diabetes.
How? Simple.
Let me explain.
You need to get these things right in the first place.
The basics and fundamental understanding of how this illness works so you can make the best decisions in order to achieve great diabetes management.
The Mindset tips that will help you manage diabetes every single day.
Basic understanding of what insulin is and how it works when it comes to diabetes treatment.
Nutritional guidance and tips that will help you make the best food choices.
The importance of Weight Training and the tips that will help you improve insulin sensitivity.
All the tips and practical tools you can use everyday to achieve in range glucose levels.
The Manual has all this information.
Why did I write it ?
Because 10 years ago I was in a hospital bed lost and confused.
And then I got out.
And today my life is pure possibility.
Today, I'm 34 years old.
Today is Nov 6. Its 10:20 AM
As you read this, I have sold 0 of these manuals. 0
And sometimes I wonder if this is worth it or not. The doubt kicks in.
Am I scared? Yes.
3 weeks ago I quit working for the company where I had been working in sales for the past 12 years of my life.
Why did I quit? To chase my purpose:
Help diabetics who struggle with their diabetes management.
The bills will keep coming. And my savings will eventually run out.
But I am a man of Faith and I started DIE-A-BEAST 4 years ago.
And I'm going to keep showing up just like I have been taking care of my diabetes for the past 10 years.
Every. Single. Day
I don't like the word sales.
I prefer the word Help.
So to close this letter:
If you struggle with your diabetes control or need help, read below:
I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL where I explain all the tips and tools I use in order to keep blood sugars levels in range.
Whenever you are ready heres the link: The Manual
Take care,
“I Will Enjoy This Workout”