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About - dieabeast

" Life is not fair. Life just is, but I have decided that I'm going to live until I die and I'm not going to get life and death confused. While I'm on this earth I'm going to live. Period. "

This is not about me anymore, I can't do it on my own, I don't have to do this on my own. It's ok to ask for help, I need you, we need each other. Im asking you for help because in the end I'm not as strong as I thought I could be. The ego wants to be strong, but I am human, I'm weak and in my weakness I have found strength... I did reach out, I asked for help, I've prayed… and its working so far…


Let me introduce myself, pleasure to meet you...


I don't personally know you but if you are here, we have something in common, diabetes. So I'm going to walk alongside you on this journey. I'm your friend now.  Thank you for taking the time to read. 


My name is Gabriel Lopez and I was diagnosed with Diabetes type 1 when I was 24 years old. Today, I'm 32, I'm fit, I do workout 5-6 days per week. I do live a normal life but I know that living with diabetes is not easy.


I have created this blog as a guide for you so you have an idea of where to start or if you have been living with diabetes, this is a site where you can find tips and information on mindset, healthy eating and exercise.  

why @dieabeast ?

Because I'm going to live with diabetes for the rest of my life, I'm going to wake up and I'm going to go to bed with it. I'm also going to dance with it. 


I'm going to encourage/motivate people living with the same condition. Or just anybody who wants to live a life with less sugar, or less sweet. I drink my coffee without sugar and it tastes so fucking good.


This is not about me anymore. This is about helping people and providing value, this is me being of service to other human beings so in the process I can also help myself. This is not selfish anymore. 


Now, if this is not a why good enough, then what is it ? 

Welcome, thank you for being here. 




Diagnosed at 24 years old
May 2014

July 2022

