The Mindset Required to Manage Diabetes
I started this newsletter because the opportunity of sharing my thoughts and life with the world is available right now to anyone.
Also, if I don't do this I will just consider myself selfish; simply said.
Many people from the past just died as ghosts. Their stories untold.
I don't want that to happen to me.
And I'm not doing this to be remembered either.
The ego probably wants to be remembered. I don't care about fame or being known at all.
The reason why I write is because I don't have to do life alone.
For so long I hesitated about starting this.
I'm not ready yet, I don't have enough knowledge, I don't have enough followers. Insert any excuse here.
This all comes down to fear or waiting for the perfect time.
I'm honestly facing my fears every single day and taking a shit in all my excuses.
I made a promise to myself that I don't want to die with regrets.
If I don't do this, I will definitely die with regret, at least I’m going to try.
I want to fail or at least know what it is that people mean when they mention the word failure.
What does that mean ?
What does that taste like ?
How does it look ?
I honestly stopped caring about people liking, supporting or commenting on what I do.
Don't get me wrong here; I do care to some extent; it's just that no matter what you do, good or bad; people are going to talk anyway.
And just realizing that; creates the space to express, to create.
Have you seen the amount of shitty useless content people are putting out there now ?
Have you seen all of the nonsense people are doing online ?
So why not me? What do I have to lose?
What could be wrong with this beautiful purpose? Such as helping other type 1 diabetics?
Why can't I start putting my thoughts out there ?
You know why I'm doing this ?
Because someday I might not be here, but writing my thoughts and stories helps as a form of therapy. My therapy ? Could be.
It also allows me to write whatever I want. And I have zero expectations on the outcome.
Zero expectations = happiness
I can write whatever I want here and you have the choice to keep reading or not.
I'm not writing this with any intention besides sharing my thoughts.
If you get something out of this, good. If you don't, that's good too.
Are you getting my point ?
4 years ago I started DIE-A-BEAST and how do I define it ?
It's a Mindset. That's all it is.
And why do I think it is important ?
Because if you don't have the right Mindset, how can you expect to thrive as a type 1 diabetic or in any other aspect of life ?
Think about it.
Everything comes down to the right mindset.
You know what one of my main goals in life is ?
And this is my personal opinion, remember this is my newsletter.
I want to wake up one day, look at myself and say: I'm the most positive and happiest person I've ever met…
That's my goal in life.
Because I know these two things, being positive and happy are both a mindset. These are both attitudes you can develop in this beautiful journey called life.
Trust me, I'm still working on this. Every single day. I'm a work in progress.
And I want you to be part of this journey with me. If you want to.
I've come to the point to realize that no amount of material goods or money will fill the void in the human soul and spirit.
How do I know this? Read about Buddhism.
I want to get to the point where I don't complain about anything and I'm not bothered by anything at all.
I think that's the point of it all.
I think that's where the real riches can be found.
I've read many books on self help and philosophy.
I encourage you to read about these subjects.
These subjects will help you develop a strong mindset.
Today I want to talk about what I practice in order to keep the right mindset when it comes to diabetes management.
Ok, lets start…
But before we go into that let me talk about something.
Most people who struggle with diabetes management are victims.
Let me explain.
They have not taken responsibility in full or just don't accept this condition as their new way of life.
What do you actually gain from playing the victim game ?
Have you been around someone who is constantly complaining ?
How is that person adding to your life ?
I see a lot of comments online and posts about this being so hard, and the frustration of not being able to eat certain types of foods or just how hard this could be and more and more complaining.
All the things you have to do being a diabetic:
-Insulin doses
-Pricking your fingers
-Changing your sensors
-Injecting insulin
-The extra 180 decisions you have to make in a day
-The foods you have to be careful with in order to eat
-The psychological burden
-The lack of sleep
-And all the other factors that might affect blood sugar levels.
Remember this: what you focus on expands…
This is hard, I know. Trust me.
I've been sad, depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, annoyed.
This is part of the process.
I remember going to bed one day and thinking, I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up.
I remember that day.
I promised myself I was not going to let that thought enter my mind again.
This is how I have developed a strong Mindset:
-Positive Attitude
(How do you see life from the inside out)
(Your internal state reflects your outside world)
-Positive Self-talk
(What words do you use)
(How do you talk to yourself)
(What are you thankful for)
(What do you appreciate)
(Are you conscious of your thoughts and feelings)
(How present are you)
(Daily habits)
(Doing the things you need to do)
(What is your why)
(What are you doing in this life)
In THE MANUAL I explain with FULL details and practical steps how to develop EACH of these mentioned above.
So to close this letter:
Managing diabetes requires having the right mindset.
That's the most important part.
If the mindset is not in the right place then it will be hard to take control of your diabetes management.
I've read thousands of the horrible stories of people who never took care of their diabetes and ended up with chronic pain and regrets living a miserable life or dying from diabetes complications.
If this is the one and only life I get to live; that's not happening to me.
That's not an option for me. Not today.
I'm facing this head on.
And I'm going to help you because you and I are in this together.
I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I spent 2 years writing THE MANUAL where I explain the basics, mindset tips, insulin treatment, nutrition, weight training and all the tips and tools I have used to build the mindset required to fight diabetes every single day.
Whenever you are ready heres the link: The Manual
I wrote The Manual:
For those who fought diabetes,
For those who are fighting diabetes,
And for those who will fight diabetes.
Take care,