6 Reasons You Should Workout As a Type 1 Diabetic
This week I was scrolling through my Instagram and I found a great post about reasons to workout.
The post is by @diabfitmind, she creates pretty cool content for diabetics.
I sent her a DM and told her I really liked her post and I wanted to write this weeks’ mindset letter using her ideas.
She gave me the approval, so here we go.
These are her ideas and I will be adding my own comments and thoughts.
She posts in spanish so this will be a translation.
I hope I do a good job :)
Here are 6 reasons to motivate you to workout as a type 1 diabetic.
Working out is an opportunity for growth, not for immediate results.
Since I was diagnosed ten years ago I made a promise to myself that I was going to workout and I was not going to compare myself to anybody.
I'm talking about comparing my body or how I look to someone else.
Working out today is investing in my health for my future self.
I sweat and I can feel the benefits of exercise.
Fitness nowadays is a bunch of people taking pictures of themselves and promoting supplements in order to sell shit.
That's the truth.
You see this gigantic people; mostly guys and who knows what the fuck they put in their bodies. All sorts of shit. They probably feel like crap.
Here's my opinion on this:
I have zero respect for people who use steroids or any kind of shit to look big or “fit”.
You really want to be tough? Do this naturally, no need for external chemicals. No need for bullshit.
You are cheating mate. Simple.
Be natural, eat whole foods and workout. That's it.
Be honest. Simple.
You know why I workout? Because I love every fucking minute of it; regardless of me looking a certain way.
So here's my advice: workout to challenge yourself.
Oh here's something else, nobody cares how hard you workout. Nobody.
And that's good. It's liberating, do this for you only.
Workout to feel alive.
Nowadays there's anxiety, depression, whatever mental illness or shit going around.
We got a bunch of fucking distractions, Netflix, and 1000 million apps.
Oh, another fucking podcast? Lol…
Let me ask you; how are you not going to feel anxiety ? Or be depressed looking at the wonderful life other people have on social media ?
And let me break the news, it's a bunch of lies, it's fake.
It's a show…
How about you disconnect and step out and try to exercise daily before labeling yourself as anxious or depressed ?
How about you sweat and start eating healthier?
Its easy to go to a doctor and get a diagnosis.
Now what ?
As a type 1 diabetic you need to move your body. This is not optional.
Let me say it again, working out is not an option if you are a type 1 diabetic. It's a must do.
Stop believing a fucking doctor prescribing you shit and telling you you suffer from whatever.
It's business. Did you know ? They want you on meds, they want you numb. Wake up!
Why don't you try it ?
It is scientifically proven that exercising creates a healthy brain and improves mood.
Exercise helps to lower rates of brain related diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Resistance training also helps to treat depression and anxiety.
Exercise is life!
Workout because the effort transforms you, not to reach a number on the scale.
I don't weigh myself. Never.
Because I like to workout and I eat healthy whole foods. Period.
I'm not competing in any contest, I don't have to prove anything to anybody.
This is a long term thing, you need to find what balance is for you and make it sustainable.
Some people don't enjoy eating and have a bad relationship with food.
You need to find what works for you according to your lifestyle.
Working out gives you discipline, commitment and makes you feel good.
It teaches you about consistency and effort.
There are days that I don't want to workout but I have been doing this for so long that I go to the gym and guess what ? I show up.
That's discipline, freedom.
I have never regretted stepping into a gym. Never.
This shouldn't be about a number on a scale.
This is a process. This is a journey. Enjoy it.
Workout to challenge yourself, not because you seek external approval.
I'm pretty sure there are many “fit” people in gyms but they are very insecure.
Do this for you. You don't have to impress anybody.
This is about feeling good in your own skin. That's it.
Use this one and only body you were given.
Make this body work and feel it.
Sweat. Feel the soreness, feel the pain in a good workout.
Lean into the pain, embrace it.
I can't explain to you how that feels.
Nobody is going to workout for you. Nobody.
Nothing feels better than a good workout. Nothing.
Workout to connect with yourself, not to follow a trend.
If you need people to motivate you to workout, then let me tell you that you will probably stick to a workout plan for a few days and then give up.
I mean, if you need someone to hold you accountable, please do it.
Motivate yourself with someone else if you need to.
Here's the truth, motivation from outside evaporates.
Your new year's resolution and then you stop in February ?
I’ve worked out at 5 in the morning. No one there.
I connect with myself. That's it.
The one who gets the benefits of exercise is me.
But let me tell you this.
If you exercise and keep a fit body; your family wins, your health wins, everyone wins.
Your diabetes wins.
Workout to improve insulin sensitivity
Resistance training improves insulin sensitivity.
Everything you eat turns into glucose or “sugar” right?
Well, our muscles store and are made of glucose and our bodies use this glucose for energy.
What happens when we start building muscle ?
The food we eat (glucose) will have a place to go, where does it go ?
It goes directly to these muscles instead of just staying in the bloodstream and going nowhere.
This is why resistance training improves insulin sensitivity.
This is why you need to lift weights.
So to close this letter:
6 reasons you should workout as a type 1 diabetic:
-Working out is an opportunity for growth, not for immediate results.
-Workout to feel alive.
-Workout because the effort transforms you, not to reach a number on the scale.
-Workout to challenge yourself, not because you seek external approval.
-Workout to connect with yourself, not to follow a trend.
-Workout to improve insulin sensitivity.
I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL where I explain all the tips and tools I have used to build the mindset required to fight diabetes every single day.
Whenever you are ready heres the link: The Manual
More Ways I can help you:
A 90 Minutes one-to-one coaching call with me so I can help you master diabetes basics the DIE-A-BEAST way.
Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)
4 weeks coaching program one-to-one call with me (1 call per week: 2 Hours each) so I can help you master everything about diabetes the DIE-A-BEAST way.
Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)
If you want to get in shape and get fit; if you want to get rid of all the bs excuses and If you really want to commit; let me know.
Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)
Take care,