10 Things I Can Tell You From The Past 10 Years As a Type 1 Diabetic

Tomorrow Thursday January 9th, I will be turning 35 years old.

I was diagnosed when I was 24 years old.

I don't have a list of 35 things that successful people do that I can give you now. Sorry. 

I have learned that a lot of people who give advice are also trying to figure out this journey called life. 

Here are 10 things I hope can help you if you are a type 1 diabetic.

Recently diagnosed or not; some of these you might already know. 

Some of these are probably new to you.

Some might just serve as reminders.

Complaining about diabetes will not cure you.

Diabetes is not easy. Waking up and complaining about it will not make you feel better. Period. That will make you a victim.

Life is hard.

Accept it. Deal with it. This is the life you have to live. 

Your one and only life.

Own this. The highs and the lows. Everything.

No one is going to take care of your diabetes for you. 

You have to walk this journey knowing that taking care of your health is your business. Not your parents, unless you are a baby and still live with them.

This is 100% your responsibility. 

The food choices you make, the insulin you take or not.

The time you make to exercise or not.

The blood sugar levels you constantly check or not.

You need to take full control of this. 

Face this head on.

Eat Sh*t, feel like sh*t.

Simple, make good food choices, feel good.

Use food as a source of energy and nourishment.

This is what real healthy whole foods are. Energy.

Make shitty food choices, well feel like sh… 

I don't believe in the bullshit advice “just eat whatever you want and inject insulin”.

Especially in this country with all the processed crap people eat. 

Be careful with that. 

Prioritize real healthy whole foods. 


Join an online community for support.

There are groups of people dealing with diabetes everywhere online.

Reach out, ask questions, people want to help.

I want to help. I'm writing this to help you.

Do not do this alone.

Some days will definitely suck, some days will be better.

This is a long journey and you need to talk to other people in the same situation.

Talking about diabetes to a non diabetic is like talking to a white wall. 

Save your words. Do not waste your time.

Use common sense when eating at restaurants.

When I go out to a restaurant I try to order a protein and a salad. 


Makes my blood sugar levels easier to control and I don't have to be stressed about calculating and injecting too much insulin or too little and then deal with unstable blood sugar levels.

This doesn't mean you have to eat chicken and salad everyday.

With time and practice you can experiment with different foods. 

Do you have to eat dessert or sweets with every meal? Be careful with that.

You don't know how much sugar desserts have at restaurants.

Again, use common sense.

Take care of your mental health.

Diabetes will affect you mentally. I know this.

I've felt burnt out, annoyed, depressed, anxious, sad, confused, exhausted, fatigued.

This is the reality of this chronic illness.

If you do learn from the mistakes that you will definitely make; you will save yourself some unnecessary stress.

Diabetes is personal and you need to try different things experimenting with what works for you and what doesn't.

Practice meditation so you can be mindful and aware.

Your health comes first.

Without your health, you got nothing.

Simple as that. When you feel healthy you will perform better. 

You will have more energy.

You will have stable moods and emotions.

You can avoid diabetes complications.

Prioritize your overall health.

Go to your regular doctor appointments and do the exams requested by your primary care physician and endocrinologist.

Stop waiting for the cure; do the best you can today.

I'm not saying I don't want the cure.

I’ve heard people talking about the cure 50 years ago saying that the cure is 5 years away. 

I'm not trying to be negative. 

What I'm saying is do the best you can today to treat your diabetes so you don't have to rely on the cure “someday”. 

Do the best you can one day at a time.

Take this seriously.

Be patient.

Have patience and compassion with yourself.

Do not label yourself as a good or bad diabetic.

Do not get emotional looking at numbers or glucose levels.

See what works and use that. See what doesnt’ work and find a solution.

Not everyday is going to be full of good in range glucose numbers.

This is the reality of diabetes; very unpredictable even if you do everything right.

This is a long term condition.

You wake up and go to sleep with diabetes.

This is a long term game.

Healthy foods, constantly checking glucose levels, exercising and using your insulin properly are not optional.

These are required for as long as you live.

Yeah, it doesn't matter when you were diagnosed; diabetes will be with you every single hour, day, week and year of your remaining life.

Deal with it. Accept it.

So to close this letter:


-Complaining about diabetes will not cure you.

-No one is going to take care of your diabetes for you.

-Eat Sh*t, feel like sh*t.

-Join an online community for support.

-Use common sense when eating at restaurants.

-Take care of your mental health.

-Your health comes first.

-Stop waiting for the cure; do the best you can today.

-Be patient.

-This is a long term condition.

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL where I explain all the tips and tools I have used to build the mindset required to fight diabetes every single day.

Whenever you are ready heres the link: The Manual

More Ways I can help you:


A 90 Minutes one-to-one coaching call with me so I can help you master diabetes basics the DIE-A-BEAST way.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)


4 weeks coaching program one-to-one call with me (1 call per week: 2 Hours each) so I can help you master everything about diabetes the DIE-A-BEAST way.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)


If you want to get in shape and get fit; if you want to get rid of all the bs excuses and If you really want to commit; let me know.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)

Take care,



6 Reasons You Should Workout As a Type 1 Diabetic


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