6 Benefits of In-Range Blood Sugar Levels

The frustration or problem every diabetic faces is the following:

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels. That's it. Either too high or too low.

The constant game we have to play every single day is having in-range glucose levels.

That's it.

According to the American Diabetes Association here are the target ranges:

Fasting: 80- 120 mg/dl

Before Meals: 80-130 mg/dl

2 Hours after meals: Less than 180 mg/dl

Whether you use an insulin pump or MDI or any other technology; your main goal as a diabetic is the following:

Provide the insulin your pancreas can not produce naturally so your body can process the glucose from the foods you eat and maintain in-range blood glucose levels. That's it. 

Or let me put it this way:

Diabetics need to manually inject external insulin in order to have the same working pancreas as a non diabetic. You are in charge of your pancreas function and you need to make sure it works 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

If your main goal is not to have in-range glucose levels, you are playing the wrong game.

The way we win this game is by doing everything we can to have the same blood glucose levels as a non diabetic so we can function as regular human beings.

This applies if you don't have any other shit going on with your health.

I hope not. 

Here are 6 benefits of in-range blood glucose levels:

Better Sleep.

If your blood sugars run high overnight you will feel the effects the next day.

Yes, you will feel tired and your blood sugars will be harder to control during the day.

Honestly, you will feel like shit. 

I know what this feels like. I've been there.

Once you get your blood sugar levels stable overnight you will be able to sleep and rest appropriately.

No amount of coffee will compensate for a good night's sleep.

Diabetics need to be able to sleep at least 7 - 8 hours every night.

This is very important. 

Your day starts with a good night's sleep.

Better physical performance. 

When your glucose levels are in-range you will perform better in any activity you do.

Whether it is working out, playing sports, studying, or just doing your daily chores your body will be using the energy from the foods you eat and you will feel your body working the way it is supposed to. 

In whatever activity you are doing, it is in your best interest to have your blood sugars in-range just like a non diabetic person.

Increased energy levels.

If you have experienced low blood sugars you probably have felt:





–Can't think clearly

-Fast heartbeat 

If you have experienced high blood sugars you probably have felt:






Once your blood sugars are in-range you should have the energy your body needs to function properly without feeling any of these above.

Stable moods and emotions.

Having uncontrolled blood sugar levels affect your moods and emotions.

Again; changes in blood sugar levels can produce mood swings and difficulty concentrating. 

Once your levels are stable you will have mental clarity and emotional wellbeing.

Feeling of wellbeing.

In-range glucose levels will make you feel good in general. Period.

I remember back in 2014 when I was first diagnosed I spent about 2-3 months before being diagnosed and I just felt like crap all the time.

Thirsty, tired, fatigued, hungry, all the symptoms a diabetic goes through when first diagnosed.

My blood sugars were in the 400’s! 

Once I got to my normal glucose levels my body started to feel good again.

I had the energy and the motivation to enjoy my days and life again. 

If you are used to high blood sugar levels you will feel these symptoms and your body will adapt.

This happens to a lot of people who have had high blood sugars for a long time and start seeing this as normal.

It is not normal.

High blood sugars can lead to diabetes complications in the future if they are not controlled.

Do not get used to high blood sugars.

Constantly check and monitor your blood sugar levels.

Reversal of diabetes complications.

Remember what I said that our game is to maintain in range glucose levels? 

Yes, that's the main goal.

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels overtime can lead to diabetes complications in the future such as kidney disease (nephropathy),eye disease (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy).

If you take care of your glucose levels in the present moment, you can avoid all these diabetes complications in the future.

I've seen people who struggle with constant chronic pain from neuropathy. 

They can't even walk because they are under unbearable pain on their feet.  

I've heard the horrible stories of people who lost a leg due to uncontrolled diabetes. 

This is scary honestly.

I know people who have lost an eye.

It is in your best interest to keep in-range glucose levels and good diabetes control.

So to close this letter:

6 benefits of in-range glucose levels:

-Better sleep.  

-Better physical performance.

-Increased energy levels.

-Stable moods and emotions.

-Feeling of wellbeing.

-Reversal of diabetes complications.

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL with all information, practical tips and tools you can use to gain in-range blood sugar levels so you can live an active, healthy and happy life without diabetes complications.

Whenever you are ready heres the link: THE MANUAL

More Ways I can help you:


A 90 Minutes one-to-one coaching call with me so I can help you master diabetes basics the DIE-A-BEAST way.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)


4 weeks coaching program one-to-one call with me (1 call per week: 2 Hours each) so I can help you master everything about diabetes the DIE-A-BEAST way.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)


If you want to get in shape and get fit; if you want to get rid of all the bs excuses and If you really want to commit; let me know.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)

Take care,



6 Reasons You Should Workout As a Type 1 Diabetic