What Causes High Blood Sugar Levels ?

Last weeks’ Mindset letter was about the benefits of having in-range glucose levels.

Today I will be explaining some of the most common causes of high blood sugar levels.

Again, the main challenge we all face as diabetics is having in-range or controlled blood glucose levels. 

Everything that we do from eating, injecting insulin, doing exercise, and the daily habits we all have aim to have good diabetes management so we can avoid any future health complications.

How do you feel when your sugar is high ? Like shit. 






Here are some common causes of high blood sugar levels:

Let me start with the most obvious one.

Eating large amounts of sugary foods or simple carbs.

This is obvious. Think about it.

You have a problem producing insulin.

These types of foods; sugary or simple carbs are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and they cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

White breads, cookies, sodas. All this crap makes it way harder to manage blood sugar levels and can produce spikes in sugars if you don't inject or calculate the right amount of insulin.

It's 2025, and you have 1 million people on instagram telling you to stop drinking sodas. 

Are you still drinking sodas ? Come on mate. Wake up. 

In my opinion if you are not a master in diabetes management try to avoid or reduce these types of foods. 

It makes diabetes management wayyyyyyy easier. 

I always say this: I just don't believe in this bullshit advice; oh you can eat whatever you want; just inject insulin. 

No, I don't buy that shitty advice.


When we experience stress. Normal thing to experience if you are a human being and you are breathing right now; your body produces hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. 

Stress activates what is referred to as the body’s “fight or flight” response. 

When this happens your liver is signaled to produce or release more glucose which raises sugar levels. 

Stress less, breathe more, Relax. Chill as much as possible.

It's hard. I know.

Lack of exercise.

If you are experiencing a lot of high blood sugar levels; let me ask you; are you doing any physical activity ? Are you walking? Running? lifting weights ?

Do you have a dog? Walk  the shit out of that dog. Whatever that means. Just walk. 

I know the two tools that are a must for me to manage my diabetes are lifting weights and walking.

Not moving your ass will definitely impact blood sugar levels and you will probably have high glucose levels if physical activity is not part of your lifestyle.

Move your body.

Wrong Insulin dose or wrong insulin timing.

The insulin to carb ratio and your pre bolus time are important.

Insulin to carb ratio, how many units of insulin cover x amount of carbs.

Mine is 1:15

1 unit of insulin covers 15 grams of carbs.

I measure the amount of carbs I eat for every single meal and dose my insulin according to that.

You need to know what your insulin to carb ratio is.

Make sure you do this and also pre bolus time before eating meals.

I wait 10 - 15 mins before eating my food so my insulin works on time and avoids post meal spikes. 

If you are experiencing high blood sugars after meals make sure you are:

-Adjusting your insulin to carb ratio according to the quantity of food and type of food.

-Make sure you pre bolus and wait 10- 15 min before eating.

Illness or infection.

If you are sick or have an infection your body produces stress hormones and your glucose levels might spike. 

This is completely normal. 

Make sure you hydrate well and talk to your doctor regarding any medicine in order to treat any infections. 

Some medications like steroids can also raise glucose levels.

Poor sleep and chronic stress.

I stopped drinking alcohol.

It affected my sleep and the next day my blood sugars were high and I felt like a useless piece of crap.

I got to the point of just getting sick of alcohol.

Not worth it.

Poor sleep will impact your blood sugars the next day.

Trust me. I've been there.

Not having a solid 7 - 8 hours of good night sleep will have your blood sugars all over the place the next day.

Get sleep.

Again, chronic stress will impact sugar levels.

Keep an eye on these two; sleep and stress.



Again, drink water.

Cut all the sodas and bullshit beverages with 1000 grams of sugar.

The other day I saw diabetic complaining about high blood sugars and drinking regular energy drinks.

Bro! Do you know how much sugar there is in a fuckn energy drink ?

WTF? What did you expect buddy ?

Like honestly. 

I drink water, sparkling water. And more water.

Black coffee, no cream, no sugar, no bullshit.

That's it.

Make your own lemonade at home if you have to.

Get rid of all the sodas and processed drinks that are nothing but shit on a bottle or can.

Simple as that.

I promise you, you will not die if you stop drinking poison.

So to close this letter:

Some common causes of high blood sugar levels.

-Eating large amounts of sugary foods or simple carbs.  


-Lack of exercise.

-Wrong Insulin dose or wrong insulin timing.

-Illness or infection.

-Poor sleep and chronic stress.


I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL with all information, practical tips and tools you can use to gain in-range blood sugar levels so you can live an active, healthy and happy life without diabetes complications.

Whenever you are ready heres the link: THE MANUAL

More Ways I can help you:


A 90 Minutes one-to-one coaching call with me so I can help you master diabetes basics the DIE-A-BEAST way.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)


4 weeks coaching program one-to-one call with me (1 call per week: 2 Hours each) so I can help you master everything about diabetes the DIE-A-BEAST way.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)


If you want to get in shape and get fit; if you want to get rid of all the bs excuses and If you really want to commit; let me know.

Send me an email for more information (gabriel@dieabeast.com)

Take care,



What Causes Low Blood Sugar Levels ?


6 Benefits of In-Range Blood Sugar Levels