5 Ways to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

There are many diabetics from what I've read online that still deny or not accept that they have a chronic illness. 

And I get it. I was one of them too.

Who wants to be labeled “diabetic” or who wants to accept that there's something wrong with your body; in this case your pancreas. 

But denying and to continue living without acceptance of the problem is the worst thing you can do. 

Why ? you will develop diabetes complications and you will honestly feel like shit.  

Having uncontrolled blood sugar levels either too high or too low, feels like crap. Trust me, I've been there many times.

If you have felt the symptoms of uncontrolled blood sugar levels, I get you my friend. I've been there before. 

Until I accepted that there are things I can do to take care of my diabetes and not let diabetes control me; things would have not changed.

I decided to read information and did the things I needed to do in order to feel good and to feel like I'm in control of this condition and not the other way around. 

This doesn't mean my sugar levels are perfect all the time, they are not. But they are in target range 90% of the time. 

The following tips I will explain will help you a lot to keep stable blood sugar levels. This I know for sure. 

Today I'm going to talk about 5 ways to manage your blood sugar levels so you don't feel like crap.

Plain and simple. 


-The right insulin dose


-Healthy food


I think the problem I see when I read from people online is that they lack the information or just feel overwhelmed by diabetes. 

They ask so many questions and feel like they are alone in this journey. 

I've felt like this before. That's why I looked for help and started reading about how this illness works so I can share this information. 

Theres no point in keeping this to myself.

Let's get into the important stuff now…

Let's skip the long intro and unnecessary text.

You; just like everybody else, have a life and are probably busy.

I appreciate the time you take to read this. Thank you. 

5 Ways to Manage your Blood Sugar Levels:


I don't know how many months I lived in denial, like oh im fine my pancreas is fine im ok. 

Actually I spent a few years without any insulin treatment and dealing with diabetes just with some pills and exercise.

I love to exercise so that helped me a lot..

Ok; but back to the point.

Acceptance means you take responsibility for this condition and you decide to take care of yourself because nobody else is going to do it.

Have you heard the phrase: Nobody is going to come and save you ?


Accept diabetes, now. Deal with it. 

You can not find help until you accept the problem or are aware of it.

Simple as that. 

“Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow” River Phoenix

Once you accept this you can start taking the small steps and make the daily consistent choices that will help you in the long run. 

Acceptance is the first step. Now let's jump to the second one:

Insulin Dose (more specifically; Know your insulin dose):

You need to test your insulin doses or diabetes medications with the help of your doctor, primary care physician or endocrinologist.

Your diabetes and mine are different. 

We have the same problem; a pancreas that fails to produce or deliver insulin.

But my life is different from yours, we do not eat the same foods. 

We have different jobs, we have different lifestyles.

So you need to test with your doctor the different types of insulin and the doses that work for YOU. 

You need to have a basal insulin dose (long acting) and a meal or bolus insulin (rapid acting) to cover meals when you eat. 

How do you know these doses are working properly ? 

Because your blood sugar levels will be stable. They will be in range.   

Test, see what's working or not and test again. 

Find the sweet spot. 

Keep testing until you find the right doses that work for YOU. 

Next one is movement, exercise:


Yes, you need to move your ass.

I love lifting weights. 

But there are different forms of exercise:

Any sport?

Riding the bike?




Any type of exercise will help you with insulin sensitivity. 

Anything that will make you sweat is good for your body. 

This is not a post about the benefits of exercise.

This is me telling you, or this is me giving you an order.


Jump, run, dance, crawl, hike, whatever. Anything.

If you can not go to a gym every single day at least walk for 30 min. Go for a run.

Do something, sweat, feel alive…

You promise me? You will move your body ?

Do yourself a favor. 

Go do it.

Healthy Food:

With all the information on social media I think it is pretty easy to find healthy food ideas.

There are literally millions of free sources about eating healthy, whole foods. 

Do you know what I consider healthy whole foods?

Anything that doesn't come in a package or in a box with more than 2 ingredients.

Let me give you examples:

Breakfast: whole eggs, cheese, avocado, natural oats

Lunch: any natural protein (chicken, fish, steak, pork) brown rice, vegetables. Any healthy carb.

Dinner: any natural protein (chicken, fish, steak, pork), quinoa, sweet potato, etc. 

Avoid all the shit that comes in a box with ingredients you can not even pronounce. Remember that.

Stick to whole foods. Natural, no artificial, no preservatives, no bullshit.


Have you heard  that your day starts the night before?

Well that's true for your blood sugars too. 

If you don't sleep at least 7 - 8 hours per night your blood sugars will be affected the next day.

Trust me.

Get sleep. Very important.

Not resting enough will affect not only your mood the next day but your blood sugar levels.

Nothing worse than feeling tired the next day.

Prioritize sleep.

So to close this letter:

-Accept your diabetes, own it. Be proud of it.

-Know your insulin doses

-Move your body

-Eat whole foods

-Get enough sleep/ rest

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the past 10 years of my life and I wrote THE MANUAL where I explain all the tips and tools I use in order to keep blood sugars levels in range.

Whenever you are ready heres the link: The Manual

Take care,



3 Tips to Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels


Why should you workout as a Type 1 Diabetic ? (How to Start)