What is Type 1 Diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease and happens when your immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the only insulin producing cells in the body.
If you are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it’s not your fault… you didn’t do anything wrong, or let me put it this way: this is life, do not become a victim.
Simple Explanation:
Our bodies need food that provide us with energy so we can function, I’m pretty sure you already knew that, old news…
When you have diabetes, a chronic health condition, your body does not properly process the food to use as energy.
The food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar.
Let me define some key terms…
Key Terms:
Glucose (sugar): the body’s main source of energy, this is what gives us fuel in order to perform different activities. This glucose comes from the foods we eat.
Pancreas: it’s the organ in our bodies that produces insulin and other hormones needed to process the foods we eat and get energy from them.
Insulin: the hormone produced in the pancreas. It is like a key that unlocks the cells and allows glucose into the cell. If you don’t have insulin, the sugars stay floating around in your blood and this is what causes your blood glucose to go high.
For diabetics, the body either doesn’t make enough insulin (type 1) or can’t use its own insulin as well as it should (type 2). When this happens sugars build up in your blood, so now we get to live this sweet life 🙂 … (I’m laughing sarcastically)
There are different types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes, to give some examples. I will explain these more in detail later on…
I’m not going to bore you with numbers and facts or the complications you can have with this illness, you can do your own research. Also, I’m not going to carry the victim mentality when I know there are worse or more complicated diseases out there. One thing I know for sure is that living with diabetes is not easy. It affects every organ of your body, including your eyes, if you don’t have it under control. I’m not a doctor so I’m not going to get into details here, (Google it).
I won’t get into every detail of this illness because it would be a lot of information to write a book. I’ve learnt a lot of things over the past 8 years and I’m sharing my own experience. Again there’s a lot of material and information about diabetes that I’m not qualified to write about.
Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations.
In order to avoid these complications, it is important to keep stable blood glucose levels every single day. This is a journey. Think of diabetes as a baby you have to monitor/watch: 24/7, 365 days a year for as long as you are alive, you get my point right ?
I was diagnosed with type 1 but in this blog I will be providing helpful information on mindset, exercise, and nutrition that will benefit both types.
Diabetes is not a curable disease, but it is a treatable disease. Yes, you can live a long, healthy and happy life, cheers !!!
Diabetes fucking sucks, and if anyone has ever told you that it doesn’t, that person is lying to you. Well, any type of disease or chronic illness sucks I guess…
Let me be honest here. Nobody will give a single fuck about your diabetes, but you should, because as far as I know, this is your life, this is it… This is not a rehearsal for some other life in the future. I know I said it’s okay to ask for help and know that you are not alone, but at the end of the day, you are the only one who can help yourself, you are the one you can count on. All this to tell you that you are the only one who should give a fuck about it, because no one else will. Look up, stand tall, and walk like you matter, because you do.
Life is hard , if you have been around for a while you know this. Also, Buddha said it, and trust me, diabetes makes it harder. This is not a self help book, this is what I think about diabetes because I’ve had it for 8 years. This shit is hard man… ok enough complaining.
I’ve lived with diabetes and as far as I know I will continue to live with it until my last breath on this earth. Diabetes has taught me to not be afraid, I’m not afraid anymore, I’m ready, at least this is what I tell myself… I’m going to face this head on, I’m gonna own this, every minute, every rep, every fucking second of it. I won’t back down, I will not waver.
Not a very motivational intro, right ? Well, I want to be as honest, straight and raw as possible, I’m going to curse a lot in this blog, I’m going to tell you my story with sarcasm but fun at the same time. I want this to be cool, fun stuff to read, hopefully you learn, laugh, cry, whatever.
“Diabetes has taught me a tremendous amount of discipline, life requires discipline. Diabetes has taught me to build character and mindset…”
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor, I’m not going to tell you what to eat or what to do, this is just a guide of the lifestyle I follow. This is what has been working for me. Anybody with diabetes or any chronic illness should be under the care and supervision of a doctor and expert in the subject i.e. endocrinologist, primary care physician, nutritionist. I’m not that person, I’m someone who has been living with type 1 diabetes for 8 years, I’m someone who wakes up and goes to sleep with this… every single day.