My Diabetes Diagnosis
I was diagnosed in May – June 2014 when I was 24 years old. I was physically active, well I still am. I was eating normal foods and didn’t have any dietary restrictions or food preferences.
I will eat some McDonald’s cheese burgers maybe on a late night out but come on I’m human right ? Those were pretty good when you were drunk and the options were zero at 3 -4 am, so yeah McDonalds was there for you. By the way, I always ended up regretting those cheese burgers.
I wasn’t overweight or anything like that. I played soccer during my high school years and I was working out at the gym 4-5 days a week. I did this even in college and in high school. I’ve been very active throughout my life.
Back then I will drink lots of beer and eat all kinds of food with friends without giving a fuck about doing math and calculations for every piece of food that I was putting in my mouth. In simple words, I wasn’t worried about sugars and numbers. I’ll tell you more about numbers in a little bit. Remember this.
I wasn’t really into sweets or desserts, just normal, ice cream and some chocolate chip cookies. I say normal because now that I’m diabetic (pretty much I’m fucked when it comes to eating regular desserts) I can see how some people are really fucking addicted to sweets. You probably know this people who need to have sweets everyday or after every meal because life is hard, they are stressed, or whatever. The excuses are endless… What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t need to eat something sweet or have dessert after every meal.
A lot of people think diabetes is caused by eating too many sweets, candies or sugars in general. Well that’s not true my friend. There are babies who are diagnosed within just a few months of being born. OMG what the fuck did that baby do? I don’t know… But that’s another subject. I explained this in my first post: what is type 1 diabetes?
Ok so when did I start realizing something was wrong with me?
If you haven’t read it, I explained this in the diabetes symptoms post, you can read it here.
After several days of waking up extremely thirsty, tired and feeling like crap honestly, I decided to go to the doctor.
So I went into the doctor’s office and got an appointment. Then, I got blood tests and urine exams done.
Then the nurse comes to me and she says: your sugar is 430 mg/dl.
I was like mmm ok (in my mind I thought: is this diabetes? no, it can not be, I’m not fat. That’s not possible, lol) The nurse told me that normal sugar levels are between 80 – 120 mg/dl.
Oh fuck… she told me that I needed to get insulin and I had to go to the emergency room.
Mmm ok, I said. Then she prints all the blood results and I got in my car and drove to the hospital, emergency room. Once I got there I told them that I have these test results and I need to be checked in. So they put me in this emergency room and I’m confused about all of this.
Doctor comes in, sees the results, says: you need insulin. They put the needle on my arm and I lay in that bed for 2 hours.
Two hours later I got discharged, I drove home with instructions on who to see and what steps to follow.
One week later I got a bill in the mail for 3 thousand dollars, fuck man.
My insurance only covered half of the cost of this emergency.
Ok, next week I started looking for an endocrinologist, this is the doctor who treats diabetes.
So I found one in Miami beach, drove there, got an appointment and saw the doctor.
He explained to me the basics and steps to follow. I walked out with a bunch of papers and test results and instructions on what to eat and what medicine to take.
I got to the parking lot and my car has been towed at 7 am, what the fuck man ???
Now I’m walking for like two miles on the street and it’s may in Miami so its fucking hot, I went to get my car from the parking lot, 186$ fee. I’m late for work, great…
Remember I mentioned earlier something about being worried about sugars and numbers ?
Well, let me give you a brief explanation. Going back to the problem with the pancreas not producing insulin, the body can not regulate blood sugar so the sugar levels can go very high or very low.
So it’s a game of numbers, you know all that math you studied in school ? lol… you will learn what numbers are good for you and what a stable range is for your blood glucose levels. Diabetes is different for everybody but in short it’s the constant battle and fight against the highs and lows until the day we die, but don’t worry, we will @dieabeast
“I’ve learnt to workout even in those days I don’t feel like working out. I try to show up no matter what…this is consistency, discipline, I think discipline is sexy…”